
Our DAO is dedicated to upcoming projects and ecosystem updates. Access will be restricted to Holders only after mint.

About our Alpha:

One of the main value proposition's of Beast Boy Club will be our Holder channels. For those new to Alpha DAO's, the information posted within our channels will serve to keep our members up to date on either blockchain. In addition, our Alpha Hunters will be constantly working to provide quality WL opportunities to raffle off within these channels.

These WL allocations will allow members to ease into either chain without worrying about grind culture and allow them to get a quick abstract of project that offers us whitelist spots.

Our Alpha Channels:

Each chain will have 4 channels dedicated to discussing Alpha and DAO activities. Upon public launch of the Discord, these channels will be accessible to all members. To be notified about DAO/Alpha activities, make sure to claim the respective "SOLDAO" or "ADADAO" role in the #Role change section on discord.

Once mint commences however, these channels will then become restricted to only holders of BBC NFT's. Holders will have access to both the Solana and Cardano side of the DAO.

  • Alpha Calls

    • Detailed list of upcoming projects. Most projects posted here by Alpha hunters will be voted on with green, yellow and red reactions. These reactions serve as a general consensus of what BBC members think of a project (yes/undecided/no).

  • Daily Mints

    • Daily minting opportunities.

  • DAO Chat

    • A place to discuss the content posted in Alpha, and topics related to the DAO.

  • WL Collab

    • Special giveaways for holders or giveaways for whitelist spots in other projects.


Alpha posted in our Alpha channel does not imply an endorsement by the team or an Alpha hunter. It is up to the individual to do their own additional research into any investment they make. Alpha hunters simply provide a way for members to stay up to date on the ecosystem and upcoming mints. This is NOT investment or financial advice.

Last updated